In order to inspire critical thinking and peaceful actions as well as to put a smile on (y)our face we share ideas and motivate to make a local impact.
What is Junior Branch?
The very heart and soul of CISV, Junior Branch (JB) comprises young local CISVers between the ages of 11–25, who develop their intercultural and leadership skills through organizing and taking part in educational and social activities. JB is a community of young volunteers that are part of CISV International. JB offers opportunities for youth to develop attitudes, skills and knowledge through educational initiatives that contribute to the mission and vision of CISV.
JBs come in all shapes and sizes, but all JBs share some things in common. The JB Essentials describe what makes a JB:
- All JBs are part of A Global Movement;
- All JBs work towards the JB Goals;
- JBs are Constantly Developing;
- JBs are Self-Governing entities;
The JB Essentials are the foundations of JB, or simply what JB is. They are central to the way Junior Branch has developed over the past 40 years and will continue to develop.
JBers also often take an active role in the administrative responsibilities of their Chapters. Through their national and international network, JBers organize their own regional and international activities and events on a wide variety of themes, such as social justice and the environment.
JB Goals & Indicators
The JB Goals describe what JBers hope to achieve by taking part in Junior Branch. In short, what does JB exist to do? Each local Junior Branch (JB) may be structured differently, however all Junior Branches work towards the following goals:
Junior Branch is a global movement because JBs do not act alone but recognize and take part in global initiatives such as supporting the International Day of Peace.
JBs are self-governing because we strongly value electing our own leaders at all levels of our organization.
JB advances leadership when JBers take charge of running their own activities; JB gives youth the chance to take action and plan their own events and activities, from arranging activities for younger JBers, to creating projects for the local community, or taking part in international movements.