Coldest Night of the Year 2021

Coldest Night of the Year 2021
26.02.2022, 00:00

The Coldest Night of the Year is a walk that raises money for folks in our community who need our help. Some of them hungry, more than a few hurting and regrettably, some who are homeless too.

This year, we are fundraising for Victoria’s CNOY local charity partner: Our Place Society. An effect of the pandemic has been the increase of people accessing their programs and services. Our Place is for individuals and families facing extreme challenges – regardless of the reason. Your support will ensure that this organization can continue to be a beacon for our friends and neighbours experiencing tough times. 

What? Coldest Night of the Year 2022.

Who? CISV Victoria members, families, and friends.

Where? Wherever you are! At this point, we will not be gathering together, rather walking on the same day in our own neighbourhoods.

Why? To raise awareness for people experiencing hurt, hunger, and homelessness and funds to support them with Our Place Society.

Learn more on our Mosaic page.