We’re getting ever closer to hosting our Youth Meeting this summer, and there’s still a lot of work that needs to be done! We’re looking for lots of volunteers who are around in the month of August to assist with many different aspects of our Youth Meeting. Interested in hospitality and meeting youth from around the world? Be a homestay for one or two nights at the beginning/end of camp! Enjoy all things food? Be a kitchen staff for a day (or more)! Have connections with local businesses? Help us collect donations and sponsorships! For all inquiries, please email CISV Victoria Co-Chairs Sarah and Lilly for more information. There are also loads of resources on CISV International’s website about Hosting a Youth Meeting that you can explore.
CISV Victoria will be having an Virtual Hosting Meeting on Wednesday, May 22nd from 7-8:30pm over Zoom. We’ll be hearing from our Risk Manager about how to become a homestay, looking at volunteer calendars, talking about meal planning, and brainstorming about our Open Day. Email CISV Victoria Co-Chairs Sarah and Lilly for the Zoom link.