There are tasks of all shapes and sizes that help our Chapter exist and grow. These can look like (but aren’t exclusive to) fundraising, marketing, keeping the accounts, training, recruitment. Check out the numerous ways to get involved below!

Join a committee!

Have a special interest? Join a committee! CISV Victoria has several standing committees related to specific subjects.

Help us plan our next programme!

Be a homestay

Depending on flight availability, sometimes delegations arrive before the camp begins or need to leave after the camp ends. CISV Victoria is proud to offer our hospitality to delegates and leaders alike for up to two nights before/after the programme. Would you like to open your home to CISVers around the world? Contact for further details.

Ask for donations

It takes a lot of resources to host a CISV programme. From food, to craft materials, and first aid supplies, everything is important. Do you have a contact that might be interested in providing us with physical or in-kind donations? We can provide you with a sample letter to ask for donations that you can send along! Email for inquiries.

Be a camp cook

Like to cook? Volunteer as a chef or a kitchen volunteer at our Youth Meeting! We can provide accommodation if you'd like to cook for multiple days, or you can just come up for a day of meals. Contact for more details.

Run errands

We never know what we might need at our Youth Meeting! Are you available during the summer but don't want to take on a huge task? Consider being a camp gofer! Be on call for a given day and if we discover we need something, you'd be the one to get it and drop it off. Easy! Contact if interested.

Want to volunteer with our youth?

Please consider getting a free Criminal Record Check (CRC) if you want to participate in CISV events such as Mosaic projects, minicamps, and fundraisers. CISV needs CRCs to be completed every 3 years for adults 18 and over that may be around our CISV children. This includes leaders, executive members, chaperones, staff at minicamps and hosting family members. You can even do it every year since it is a free service offered to volunteer organizations. Processing times are currently long, so please consider getting your CRC done sooner rather than later.

Contact our Risk Manager, Steve for more information at 

Looking to take on a bigger volunteer role in our Chapter? Consider joining our executive board and work with other like-minded folk to facilitate the governance of our organization.