Several CISV Chapters across Canada are participating in the Coldest Night of the Year (CNOY). On Saturday, February 22nd, CISVers and their families across the country are walking to support our communities and help those who are hungry, homeless, and hurting. Check out CISV Canada’s Challenge page to see how CISV Victoria stacks up against other chapters.
Victoria’s local charity partner is Our Place Society, a community service provider for the poor, disadvantaged, and homeless of Greater Victoria. From its Pandora Avenue location, Our Place Society runs a variety of life transforming services, including meals, housing, health and wellness, education, and practical care. They serve over 1,200 nutritious meals and 1,000 snacks per day, while providing a safe and dignified environment for people to shower, receive clean clothing, find their place in the community, and connect with experienced, professional support staff. Most importantly, Our Place provides a sense of hope and belonging to our neighbours in need. This year, the money raised from CNOY will go to extending the hours of Our Place’s 919 Pandora Drop-in centre so that vulnerable people from across the region can get in from the cold and get the help they need from early in the morning until late at night.
Want to help take part in this initiative? There’s a way for everyone to get involved and support our CISV Victoria team: